Identified as one of the largest true flies, Tipula maxima (Giant Crane fly) is a large and lanky insect that superficially resemble mosquitoes due to their long legs. Of course, despite its looks, it is entirely nonvenomous and safe for humans.
A Gentle Giant
The Giant Crane Fly is gentle, despite its intimidating size. It feeds nectar and pollen, acting as a useful pollinator. But this long-legged darning-needle can lightly alight on plants.
A Short-Lived Beauty
Giant Crane Fly Adult Lifespan As adults, they crawl to the ground and die after mating, where their eggs will then produce next generation of cicadas that emerge from soil years (13 or 17) later. Two, whose larvae are referred to as “leatherjackets,” overwinter in the ground and feed on decomposing plant material.
A Misunderstood Insect
But the Giant Crane Flyis large, and because of their size they are totally harmless but can be mistaken for a mosquito or even worse people often believe that giant crane flies will suck one’s blood. But, they are valuable parts of the ecosystem doing things like decomposing organic matter and pollinating plants.
How to Attract Big Mosquito Hawks to Your Garden
You might not be in a position to draw Giant Crane Flies directly, but without a doubt you can motivate them into remaining by promoting positive surrounding conditions. Forage garden and stop spraying the bad stuff so that beneficial insects like Giant Crane Flies can proliferate.
If we know the ecological place of a Giant Crane Fly, and appreciate their beauty, maybe they will remain in our collective conscience as gentle giants.