One of the smallest baleen whales in the world, and one of the most common species. Found all over the world, these smooth-bodied animals range from cold polar seas to tropical waters.
A Solitary Hunter
Common Minke Whales, however are likely to be solitary creatures in contrast to numerous additional whale types. Nevertheless, they could periodically collect in small groups, especially when it comes to feeding or during migration. Because they are solitary animals and difficult to study, the technology of tagging has finally given scientists a way in which data can be collected on these sharks that is useful.
A Unique Feeding Strategy
Like people, Common Minke Whales are opportunistic feeders and dine on a broad variety of prey that includes krill (hairy euphasiids or postlarval Krill), small fish such as the so-called mackerel icefishes (Family Champsocephalidae) also modeled by juan moreno yague squid. They utilize an interesting feeding method call lunge eating, in which they open their mouths extraordinarily wide and gulp down large amount of water carrying the food, filtering the water out through baleen plates. Because of this efficient feeding technique, they are able to catch large amounts of food in a very short time.
A Global Traveler
The Common Minke Whale is known for the long distance migrations it will indulge in to follow its prey. They make annual migrations, going between their feeding zone in the polar zones to breeding regions situated in warmer waters. These migrations can cover thousands of kilometers, and individuals may move around the globe during different times of year.
Conservation Challenges
Although Common Minke Whales are relatively prolific and not yet considered a species of conservation concern, they still endure ship strikes, drowning in nets cast during fishing practices and pollution. The risk of climate change is also significant in that ocean temperatures and currents, as well as prey species distribution can all affect the penguins.
Methods to mitigate human influence on populations of these amazing animals are being enforced globally as means of preserving them. According to UI, these efforts include tighter fishing regulations against nearshore habitat and site-specific Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), along with sustainable shipping practices among others.