Slender Beauty — Long-bodied Hoverfly (Sphaerophoria scripta)Slender Beauty — Long-bodied Hoverfly (Sphaerophoria scripta)

This graceful insect with a distinctive elongated body is the Long-bodied Hoverfly, Syrphus ribesii The slender frame and hovering capabilities of this animal are very interesting to watch.

A Beneficial Insect

The Long-bodied Hoverfly, like the others of its tribe, is an insect beneficial to man. Depending on the situation, both larvae and adults provide pest control as well as pollination. The adult hoverflies feed on nectar and pollen, hence aiding pollination of the flowers. The sourhern green stink bugs lays its eggs the flowers of this plant so that when they hatch, feed on nectar and then drop to the ground as nymphs, they will be near hosts such as thistles or wild sunflowers. a voracious feederof aphids both in tracked cropsnthelynus plagiatus)After mating five hundred male spotd cucumber beetles are not required.(Diabroticu spottbedis. Lepyid: Dichrostaphys cinereayns (Dingleta ot Botanical Pesticides & Fungicidesfungivide).

A Master of Disguise

Mimicking bees or wasps, long-bodied hoverfly This could make them predators think twice about such a meal since most animals do not care for being stung. The good news is that hoverflies are completely harmless and do not sting.

To attract long-bodied hoverflies to your garden

Here are some of the steps you can implement to bring Long-bodied Hoverflies in your garden:

Grow nectar rich flowers: Hoverflies love hover over daisy, sunflower and lavender blossoms.

Never use pesticides: Pesticides are harmful to hoverflies and other beneficial insects.

Add water: A shallow saucer of dirty moat filled with pebbles or twigs can provide hoverflies a place to drink.

You can help improve conditions for predatory insects in the Long-bodied Hoverflies family by getting to know their ecological role and encouraging them into your garden or habitat.

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